Alpha Elite Performance

Alpha Elite EAA - Alpha Elite Performance

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You are now looking at the next generation of EAA’s. We have an amazing team that came together to give you an Amino Acid Powerhouse. All 3 BCAA’s are included in the 9 EAA’s and 11 “conditionally essential” amino acids. 20 amino acids in all, found in our TM Myo-Seq. This is an amino blend that makes up all the proteins found in the human body! You’re going to love this EAA intra and post workout drink. You’ll feel the enhanced recovery and joint health, something we all look forward to after those long runs, rides, swims or long gym sessions. Alpha EAA’s Can: Help Build Muscle Preserve Lean Muscle Mass Enhance Recovery Increase Muscle Endurance Support Joint Health Maintain Proper Hydration Improve Bone Strength Maximize Muscle Growth and Recovery!